

A Piece of Time – A Peace of Mind

Our mission is to help, in all aspects of your day to day lives. We strive to be the best choice for clients by helping ease their stressful life duties, through helpful and consistent professionalism. It has been designed to be the ultimate stress reliever, by giving you back the one thing you never have enough of: TIME

We provide a wide range of services to Kenora, Sioux Narrows, surrounding areas and Island Properties. Our company offers lifestyle management solutions!

Concierge Services– Personal assistant services -Errand services- Stand In services – surgery recovery/ maternity services – senior care services – Housesitting/ home watch services

A Peace of mind:

We provide services that are only limited by the imagination of the client and the legality of the task. If there is a service that we can provide but is not listed, feel free to give us the details and we will take care of it, or find someone who can. Before we deliver the service, we will give you an estimate of the time and cost for your approval.